Oasis Technology

January 22, 2010

Serious security breach found in Internet Explorer

Dear clients and friends,
This is a short note to let you know that China found a way to hack into Google's huge network and steal quite a bit of proprietary information.
Unfortunately someone has now posted this method on the Internet.
As a result, Microsoft has posted an emergency update.
I STRONGLY urge you to apply this update as soon as you can because this security hole can allow hackers to enter your networks and steal any and all information that they want.
There is a different update for each type of operating system - so please select carefully.
If you need any help in this matter please let me know and we can schedule someone to assist you either remotely or on site.
But in any case do it very soon !
Feel free to forward this email to anyone who needs to know.
George Baldonado
Voice: (805) 445-4833
Fax (805) 445-4839